It’s such a shame to waste time. We always think we have so much of it. | Mitch Albom quote, HD Wallpaper

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It’s such a shame to waste time. We always think we have so much of it. | Mitch Albom quote, HD Wallpaper
It’s such a shame to waste time. We always think we have so much of it. | Mitch Albom quote, HD Wallpaper

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It’s such a shame to waste time. We always think we have so much of it. (Mitch Albom)

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Most of us all walk around as if we’re sleepwalking. We really don’t experience the world fully, because we’re half-asleep, doing things we automatically think we have to do. | Mitch Albom quote
Most of us all walk around as if we’re sleepwalking. We really don’t experience the world fully, because we’re half-asleep, doing things we automatically think we have to do. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralysing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out. | Mitch Albom quote
Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralysing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
If there is no solution to the problem then don’t waste time worrying about it. If there is a solution to the problem then don’t waste time worrying about it. | Dalai Lama XIV quote
If there is no solution to the problem then don’t waste time worrying about it. If there is a solution to the problem then don’t waste time worrying about it. | Dalai Lama XIV quote HD Wallpaper
You have to find what’s good and true and beautiful in your life as it is now. Looking back makes you competitive. And, age is not a competitive issue. | Mitch Albom quote
You have to find what’s good and true and beautiful in your life as it is now. Looking back makes you competitive. And, age is not a competitive issue. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Have you ever really had a teacher? One who saw you as a raw but precious thing, a jewel that, with wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine? | Mitch Albom quote
Have you ever really had a teacher? One who saw you as a raw but precious thing, a jewel that, with wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine? | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Such as thy words are, such will thy affections be esteemed; and such will thy deeds be as thy affections and such thy life as thy deeds. | Socrates quote
Such as thy words are, such will thy affections be esteemed; and such will thy deeds be as thy affections and such thy life as thy deeds. | Socrates quote HD Wallpaper
We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don’t satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted. | Mitch Albom quote
We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don’t satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
For a long time, I thought I would like to be a doctor. Such a good profession. So explicitly good. Never a waste of time. | Jonathan Safran Foer quote
For a long time, I thought I would like to be a doctor. Such a good profession. So explicitly good. Never a waste of time. | Jonathan Safran Foer quote HD Wallpaper
No such thing as spare time, no such thing as free time, no such thing as down time. All you got is life time. Go. | Henry Rollins quote
No such thing as spare time, no such thing as free time, no such thing as down time. All you got is life time. Go. | Henry Rollins quote HD Wallpaper
I think what you notice most when you haven’t been home in a while is how much the trees have grown around your memories. | Mitch Albom quote
I think what you notice most when you haven’t been home in a while is how much the trees have grown around your memories. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Guilt is just as powerful, but its influence is positive, while shame’s is destructive. Shame erodes our courage and fuels disengagement. | Brené Brown quote
Guilt is just as powerful, but its influence is positive, while shame’s is destructive. Shame erodes our courage and fuels disengagement. | Brené Brown quote HD Wallpaper
She felt worthless and hollow. There was no hope of fixing this. And when hope is gone, time is punishment. | Mitch Albom quote
She felt worthless and hollow. There was no hope of fixing this. And when hope is gone, time is punishment. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
It is far more comforting to think God listened and said no, than to think that nobody’s out there. | Mitch Albom quote
It is far more comforting to think God listened and said no, than to think that nobody’s out there. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Shame is not your friend. It depletes your power. Let go of shame and embrace your magnificence. | Judith Orloff quote
Shame is not your friend. It depletes your power. Let go of shame and embrace your magnificence. | Judith Orloff quote HD Wallpaper
With endless time, nothing is special. With no loss or sacrifice, we can’t appreciate what we have. | Mitch Albom quote
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If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me. | Edgar Allan Poe quote
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Sometimes, when you are not getting the love you want, giving makes you think you will. | Mitch Albom quote
Sometimes, when you are not getting the love you want, giving makes you think you will. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Sometimes, when you are not getting the love you want, giving makes you think you will. | Mitch Albom quote
Sometimes, when you are not getting the love you want, giving makes you think you will. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
It’s such a shame to waste time. We always think we have so much of it. | Mitch Albom quote
It’s such a shame to waste time. We always think we have so much of it. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
There’s no shame in failing. The only shame is not giving things your best shot. | Robin Williams quote
There’s no shame in failing. The only shame is not giving things your best shot. | Robin Williams quote HD Wallpaper
We all yearn for what we have lost. But sometimes, we forget what we have. | Mitch Albom quote
We all yearn for what we have lost. But sometimes, we forget what we have. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Heaven is always and forever around us and no soul remembered is ever really gone. | Mitch Albom quote
Heaven is always and forever around us and no soul remembered is ever really gone. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone. | Mitch Albom quote
The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
The only shame in masturbation is the shame of not doing it well. | Sigmund Freud quote
The only shame in masturbation is the shame of not doing it well. | Sigmund Freud quote HD Wallpaper
All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time. | Mitch Albom quote
All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know. | Mitch Albom quote
Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Belief, hard work, love–you have those things, you can do anything. | Mitch Albom quote
Belief, hard work, love–you have those things, you can do anything. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
There is no such thing as ‘too late’ in life. | Mitch Albom quote
There is no such thing as ‘too late’ in life. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
What will you do with the time you have left? | Mitch Albom quote
What will you do with the time you have left? | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Don’t cling to things because everything is impermanent. | Mitch Albom quote
Don’t cling to things because everything is impermanent. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Accept who you are; and revel in it. | Mitch Albom quote
Accept who you are; and revel in it. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Your only shame is to have shame. | Amy Tan quote
Your only shame is to have shame. | Amy Tan quote HD Wallpaper
Every life has one true love snapshot. | Mitch Albom quote
Every life has one true love snapshot. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
If God wants it, it will happen. | Mitch Albom quote
If God wants it, it will happen. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
When hope is gone, time is punishment. | Mitch Albom quote
When hope is gone, time is punishment. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Death ends a life, not a relationship. | Mitch Albom quote
Death ends a life, not a relationship. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Ends are for yesterday, not tomorrows. | Mitch Albom quote
Ends are for yesterday, not tomorrows. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
One day can bend your life. | Mitch Albom quote
One day can bend your life. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
No one gets left behind, remember? | Mitch Albom quote
No one gets left behind, remember? | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Love is the only rational act. | Mitch Albom quote
Love is the only rational act. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Life has to end, love doesn’t. | Mitch Albom quote
Life has to end, love doesn’t. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Don’t get too attached to anything. | Mitch Albom quote
Don’t get too attached to anything. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
I love you every day, Mom. | Mitch Albom quote
I love you every day, Mom. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Lost love is still love. | Mitch Albom quote
Lost love is still love. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
I’m in love with hope. | Mitch Albom quote
I’m in love with hope. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Love wins, love always wins. | Mitch Albom quote
Love wins, love always wins. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
Scenery without solace is meaningless. | Mitch Albom quote
Scenery without solace is meaningless. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper
We’re Tuesday people. | Mitch Albom quote
We’re Tuesday people. | Mitch Albom quote HD Wallpaper

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