Setting goals helps bring your future into your present and the present is the only time we can take action. | Zig Ziglar quote, HD Wallpaper

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Setting goals helps bring your future into your present and the present is the only time we can take action. | Zig Ziglar quote, HD Wallpaper
Setting goals helps bring your future into your present and the present is the only time we can take action. | Zig Ziglar quote, HD Wallpaper

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Setting goals helps bring your future into your present and the present is the only time we can take action. (Zig Ziglar)

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If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily. | Jack Canfield quote
If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily. | Jack Canfield quote HD Wallpaper
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The real value of setting and achieving goals lies not in the rewards you receive, but in the person you become as a result of reaching your goals. | Robin S. Sharma quote HD Wallpaper
The way you see your future determines your thinking today. You’re thinking today determines your performance today. Your performance in the today of your life determines your future. | Zig Ziglar quote
The way you see your future determines your thinking today. You’re thinking today determines your performance today. Your performance in the today of your life determines your future. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
If you are truly present and know how to take care of the present moment as best you can, you are doing your best for the future already. | Nhat Hanh quote
If you are truly present and know how to take care of the present moment as best you can, you are doing your best for the future already. | Nhat Hanh quote HD Wallpaper
The trouble with most therapy is that it helps you feel better. But you don’t get better. You have to back it up with action, action, action. | Albert Ellis quote
The trouble with most therapy is that it helps you feel better. But you don’t get better. You have to back it up with action, action, action. | Albert Ellis quote HD Wallpaper
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A pleasing personality helps you win friends and influence people. Add character to that formula, and keep those friends and maintain that influence. | Zig Ziglar quote
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It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action and discipline that enabled us to follow through. | Zig Ziglar quote
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Today be thankful and think how rich you are. Your family is priceless, your time is gold and your health is wealth. | Zig Ziglar quote
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Unless you have a definite, precise, clearly set goals, you are not going to realize the maximum potential that lies within you. | Zig Ziglar quote
Unless you have a definite, precise, clearly set goals, you are not going to realize the maximum potential that lies within you. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
Time is the only commodity we deal with which cannot be counterfeited, stolen or placed in inventory. Remember, time is irreplaceable. | Zig Ziglar quote
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Our children are our only hope for the future, but we are their only hope for their present and their future. | Zig Ziglar quote
Our children are our only hope for the future, but we are their only hope for their present and their future. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
Don’t wait until you feel like taking positive action. Take the action and then you will feel like doing it. | Zig Ziglar quote
Don’t wait until you feel like taking positive action. Take the action and then you will feel like doing it. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
When you set goals, something inside of you starts saying, “Let’s go, let’s go,” and ceilings start to move up. | Zig Ziglar quote
When you set goals, something inside of you starts saying, “Let’s go, let’s go,” and ceilings start to move up. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
Your life and your practice should not be separate. You bring your practice into experience. You bring it about. | Sakyong Mipham quote
Your life and your practice should not be separate. You bring your practice into experience. You bring it about. | Sakyong Mipham quote HD Wallpaper
What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. | Zig Ziglar quote
What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
Take a minute: look at your goals, look at your performance, see if your behavior matches your goals. | Kenneth H. Blanchard quote
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Will what I am about to do, bring me closer to, or take me further from my goals? | Zig Ziglar quote
Will what I am about to do, bring me closer to, or take me further from my goals? | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
God will take care of what you go through. You take care of how you go through it. | Zig Ziglar quote
God will take care of what you go through. You take care of how you go through it. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come. | Zig Ziglar quote
Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
When you change your thinking, you change actions, when you change your action you change your future. | Zig Ziglar quote
When you change your thinking, you change actions, when you change your action you change your future. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
A good relationship is when someone accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future. | Zig Ziglar quote
A good relationship is when someone accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future. | Zig Ziglar quote
Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
Stop setting goals. Goals are pure fantasy unless you have a specific plan to achieve them. | Stephen R. Covey quote
Stop setting goals. Goals are pure fantasy unless you have a specific plan to achieve them. | Stephen R. Covey quote HD Wallpaper
A good relationship is when someone accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future. | Zig Ziglar quote
A good relationship is when someone accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future. | Zig Ziglar quote
Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
Stop setting goals. Goals are pure fantasy unless you have a specific plan to achieve them. | Stephen R. Covey quote
Stop setting goals. Goals are pure fantasy unless you have a specific plan to achieve them. | Stephen R. Covey quote HD Wallpaper
When you break goal into increment and start controlling your time, things begin to happen. | Zig Ziglar quote
When you break goal into increment and start controlling your time, things begin to happen. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. | Tony Robbins quote
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. | Tony Robbins quote HD Wallpaper
Goals are the links in the chain that connect activity to accomplishment. | Zig Ziglar quote
Goals are the links in the chain that connect activity to accomplishment. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
Goals are dreams we convert to plans and take action to fulfill. | Zig Ziglar quote
Goals are dreams we convert to plans and take action to fulfill. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
People who won’t take step number one never take step number two. | Zig Ziglar quote
People who won’t take step number one never take step number two. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
If you want to achieve your goals, help others achieve theirs. | Zig Ziglar quote
If you want to achieve your goals, help others achieve theirs. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
You cannot achieve someone else’s goals. | Zig Ziglar quote
You cannot achieve someone else’s goals. | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper
You gotta have goals! | Zig Ziglar quote
You gotta have goals! | Zig Ziglar quote HD Wallpaper

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