Our words reveal our thoughts; our manners mirror our self-esteem; our actions reflect our character; our habits predict the future. | William Arthur Ward quote, HD Wallpaper

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Our words reveal our thoughts; our manners mirror our self-esteem; our actions reflect our character; our habits predict the future. | William Arthur Ward quote, HD Wallpaper
Our words reveal our thoughts; our manners mirror our self-esteem; our actions reflect our character; our habits predict the future. | William Arthur Ward quote, HD Wallpaper

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Our words reveal our thoughts; our manners mirror our self-esteem; our actions reflect our character; our habits predict the future. (William Arthur Ward)

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Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. | Vince Lombardi quote
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As negative thoughts produce negative actions, so positive thoughts produce positive actions. | John C. Maxwell quote
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Good manners sometimes means simply putting up with other people’s bad manners. | H. Jackson Brown Jr. quote
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We first make our habits, then our habits make us. | John Dryden quote
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Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment. | Thomas Carlyle quote
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Self care isn’t selfish. It’s self esteem. | Ashley Judd quote
Self care isn’t selfish. It’s self esteem. | Ashley Judd quote HD Wallpaper
Words, words, words. | William Shakespeare quote
Words, words, words. | William Shakespeare quote HD Wallpaper

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