Even if producing CO2 was good for the environment, given that we’re going to run out of hydrocarbons, we need to find some sustainable means of operating. | Elon Musk quote, HD Wallpaper
Even if producing CO2 was good for the environment, given that we’re going to run out of hydrocarbons, we need to find some sustainable means of operating. | Elon Musk quote, HD Wallpaper
Even if producing CO2 was good for the environment, given that we’re going to run out of hydrocarbons, we need to find some sustainable means of operating. (Elon Musk)
You need to be in the position where it is the cost of the fuel that actually matters and not the cost of building the rocket in the first place. | Elon Musk quote HD Wallpaper
I’m increasingly inclined to think there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. | Elon Musk quote HD Wallpaper
You want to be extra rigorous about making the best possible thing you can. Find everything that’s wrong with it and fix it. Seek negative feedback, particularly from friends. | Elon Musk quote HD Wallpaper
Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation, so let’s not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emission standards from man-made sources. | Ronald Reagan quote HD Wallpaper
If you’re going to be a Christian, you’re going to change. You’re going to lose some old friends, not because you want to, but because you need to. | Johnny Cash quote HD Wallpaper
Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them. -Carrie Bradshaw. | Candace Bushnell quote HD Wallpaper
It’s a hard, simple calculus: Run until you can’t run anymore. Then run some more. Find a new source of energy and will. Then run even faster. | Scott Jurek quote HD Wallpaper
The primary means of energy generation is going to solar. It will at least be a plurality, and probably be a slight majority in the long term. | Elon Musk quote HD Wallpaper
Obviously Tesla is about helping solve the consumption of energy in a sustainable manner, but you need the production of energy in a sustainable manner. | Elon Musk quote HD Wallpaper
There are some important differences between me and Tony Stark, like I have five kids, so I spend more time going to Disneyland than parties. | Elon Musk quote HD Wallpaper
Luck take a second look at what appears to be someone’s good luck. You’ll find not luck but preparation, planning, and success-producing thinking. | David J. Schwartz quote HD Wallpaper
Some have courage in pleasures, and some in pains: some in desires, and some in fears, and some are cowards under the same conditions. | Socrates quote HD Wallpaper
To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless. | Gilbert K. Chesterton quote HD Wallpaper
If the future does not include being out there among the stars and being a multi-planet species, I find that incredibly depressing. | Elon Musk quote HD Wallpaper
We run when we’re scared, we run when we’re ecstatic, we run away from our problems and run around for a good time. | Christopher McDougall quote HD Wallpaper
I’m one of the few people who understands how producing technology requires intuition and creativity, and how producing something artistic takes real discipline. | Steve Jobs quote HD Wallpaper
Life on Earth must be about more than just solving problems. It’s got to be something inspiring, even if it is vicarious. | Elon Musk quote HD Wallpaper
The happy people are those who are producing something; the bored people are those who are consuming much and producing nothing. | William Ralph Inge quote HD Wallpaper
Wounded Warriors tell me they’re not just going to walk again, they’re going to run, and they’re going to run marathons! | Michelle Obama quote HD Wallpaper